Do you vaguely remember the time when you could pace yourself through a two-hour gym session, routinely hit new PB’s or just relax with a post workout protein shake? Those golden days might feel like a distant memory. Because now, if you’re like me, you’re juggling a job, a couple of kids, daycare or school runs, meltdowns and tantrums and maybe—just maybe—a workout squeezed in between meetings or at some ungodly hour well before the sun is up or long after it’s gone down.
These days, my hustle looks a little different from when I could lift big in my 20s as a carefree, unmarried, uni student - and so that barbell doesn’t quite match up with what I’m lifting now as a dad. But you know what? That’s not just okay—it’s expected. Life evolves, and so do our goals and our ‘why.’
So how do I fit it all in—mountain biking, endurance running, weight training—around family life and work? The answer is simple: I’ve changed my expectations. Work-life balance isn’t about perfect symmetry; it’s about making the most of the time you’ve got. Can’t hit the trails for a long ride? No worries—get a quick run in before the kids wake up. No time for a full gym session? A 20-minute workout at home will do the trick.
The key is adjusting your expectations and keeping it simple. Prioritise consistency over intensity or duration.
Nailing the hustle isn’t about outdoing your 25-year-old self in the gym; it’s about being the best you can be today, with everything else you’ve got going on.
And remember, you’re doing great—whether you’re lifting kettlebells or lifting your kids. Just get out there and get it done, because something is always better than nothing.